How to use sea sponge????

My order for Sea Sponges should be arriving soon. I am looking forward to trying them as a form of pessary, but I am not exactly sure how to use them. I understand that I wet one and insert it as far as I can - right? How long do I leave it in? When I take it out, do I just rinse & reinsert or do I use a clean one and sterilize the first? I assume I would only use them during the day? Are there any complications associated w/them - like infection? And anything else you can tell me???

Thank you so much. This site has been a lifesaver.

Backache ideas needed

Hello wise women. I'm wondering if anyone can help w/my latest issue. I have been having a lot of lower backache since my prolapse. It is across my lower back, kind of like what I get w/my periods, pretty painful & uncomfortable. Ibuprofin helps, but I'd rather not take meds. Any advice? I have tried some stretches, but that's not helping much either. I wonder if there are any yoga postures that may help? Thanks in advance, Indigo

Is surgery so bad in all cases?

Just had a conversation with mil. 47 yrs ago she had an op to 'stitch the uterus up' as she had uterus prolapse following a cesarian. No problems until 23 yrs ago when she had a bladder 'stitch-up'. Within a week of the bladder op she went to a jumble sale and carried a heavy sewing machine back home!! And she hasn't needed surgery since - although she lives with the occasional night-time accident.

So if surgery is okay for 20 yrs or so, or even 10 yrs or so, I'm half tempted by the idea, as at the moment it feels like someone has gone at me down below with a piece of broken glass (urethrocele). And I don't fancy putting up with this pain for too long. I really don't know what to do. Sitting down I can sort of find a position without pain, but as soon as I stand up...really, I've done nothing useful at all today as it's been too bad. I just want to get on with life again.

I'm So Confused

Well, it's been a while now since I first found this
site. I'm really in a state of utter confusion at the moment and hoped some of you may be able to understand how I'm feeling and offer some thoughts of your own.

My daughter turned two a couple of months ago and I can't help but have my thoughts dominated by whether or not I should have a second baby.

I'm so grateful for Christine's book because it's made me aware of all the risks associated with surgery, and I've been doing the posture and have found fire breathing is helpful. But I have to admit it's added to my confusion and fears because in my mind surgery is now out of the question.


Does it ever feel like you have to pee when you get aroused? I have always felt that since I was 19. I'll get over it and go forward with sex. But I do not like to get aroused. Is it the cystocele that is causing this not-so-normal feeling or the IC? I just can't figure it out. I wanted you ask you ladies if you felt this too. Oh and I'll be buying Christean's (Sorry Christean if I spelled your name wrong) this weekend. I was wondering if anyone who have read her book can offer some reassurance that a grade 4 cystocele can be restored to its natural position. Today I have felt my cystocele at its worse! I'm sitting on it!!! This is not fun.:( On the bright side, my uterus seems to be back to normal. My cervix is high most of the time. Its been half way down the vagina and thats the lowest its been in weeks.

urethrocele - help!


Along with my other prolapses, I think I'm having a urethrocele, as my urethra is bulging downward, into the vaginal area. This one has me more scared that the others...It's definitely become worse over the past week or two.

Can you have sex with this? I'm terrified that it will get in the way, or hurt, or get rubbed and give me a UTI. I'm also scared that I won't even be able to fit a penis inside of me, like my urethra and prolapses are just taking over my body.

I called the doc and she told me it usually happens with a cystocele, because it's connected to the bladder. This one really freaks me out.

getting used to the posture

Hi everyone,

I'm starting to practice the posture, but it's taking a bit of getting used to. Did you all have problems when you started?

For example, as soon as I lift up the lower ribs I notice it's harder to breathe. Unless it's because I'm so used to breathing in a slouched position. Any ideas?

Also, yesterday I had a really bad day with the prolapse, so in the evening I sat in the straddle posture at the computer, which really helped to ease the dragging and discomfort. But today, I have pain in my right foot (mostly on top of the foot). Is that connected?

I still haven't got the hang of walking in the posture. Do you all walk like that outside all the time, or do you just do it indoors? I mean, does it notice to anyone else that you walk in a different posture so you have to do it in privacy? I have a non-motorised treadmill, so when I walk on it, it's equivalent to walking uphill - is it possible to use that and still maintain the posture? As it's uphill, not flat.

maternity clothes

I refuse to buy clothing in the size that I am, so I've been wearing my maternity things.
and I love them! the under-the-belly waistbands are so prolapse-friendly as are the stretchy waisted things I have. and when I go out and feel the need to wear pantihose, maternity hose put virtually NO pressure on the abdomen.

just thought I'd pass that along

Periods make everything worse?


Has anyone experienced a worsening of symptoms during their periods...... especially those who have a Cystocele? I am expecting my period (can feel it coming), and I feel like my bladder is taking over my abdomen, when I feel internally. Literally, when I insert a finger, it's like I hit a brick wall, which is literally my bladder. Is this due to bloating, water retention, muscle cramping, etc? Again, I don't know if this is the prolapse, or muscular (I do have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction).

My cele's are not yet 'showing' but I feel like they're getting worse. A week ago, I was told that my cystocele is a

Prolapse and Straining

Thanks Babs and Louiseds for your replies.....
This is a great site and I am so glad I came across it... I will take up the advice infact I am going to look up that book after writing this and try and find a local yoga class..

Do you think I ought to tell the specialist when I see him, that I have always suffered since a child in having a bowel movement, even if it is soft I still have to strain and concerntrate to push it out... It is a standing joke in our house as I now have to see the funny side as it use to get me down so much..



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