Maya Uterine Massage?

My chiropractor recently recommended Maya Uterine Massage for my prolapse. It looks really interesting. has anyone tried this? I'd love to hear your experiences if so. TIA.

Christine on the radio!

Hi All,

I’m going to be a guest on Healthy Talk Radio with Deborah Ray, “America’s First Lady of Health” and Julian Whitaker, M.D., “America’s Wellness Doctor”. You can tune in on the Net! The show will be broadcast this coming Monday morning at 11:15 a.m. EST on 100 radio stations around the country and also at Hope you can catch it!


Alexander technique, Feldenkrais and orthotics

Hi All

Rosewood made a comment, in another topic, about the Alexander Technique. Rather than sidetrack that thread I thought it better to start another one. I am also interested in trying Feldenkrais.

I get a lot of lower back and neck pain which may or may not be related to prolapses. I have therapeutic massage on an occasional basis. It does unfreeze all my spasming muscles after a few days, but the pain always comes back after a week or so. After a lifetime of injuries and different types of exercises, and now Wholewoman posture, I am wondering if I just need to learn to move properly all over again.

Midwife yelled at me to stop pushing because I was pushing my uterus out!


I never knew anything about prolapse. Until now. It upsets me because had I known I would have taken every precaution to avoid this. My last two babies were big babies. I'm 5'4 and 130lbs pregreg wt. Daughter weighed 10/5 and son born April 9, 2007 weighed 9/8. Both 22 in long and 14.5 in head. First of all, my labor with both children were absolutely pain free and born at home but the pushing stage did hurt A LOT! I shot out my daughter in 2 minutes - born in '04. My son, I pushed for 4 minutes. No one told me to breath the baby out, none of that! I didn't know. I thought it was best to get them out quickly.

Rectocele...and Cystocele!!!

Hi ladies,

I posted here a few weeks ago regarding being 'unofficially' told that I have a rectocele. (I'm the one who is 28, hx of bulimia and vulvodynia, no kids, etc.)

So, over the past few weeks, I've had a bunch of appointments - ultrasound, MRI, etc. I finally went for my consult and formal appointment with Dr. Whitmore in PA.

Here's what's going on with me. I have a large dermoid tumor on my ovary that's causing a lot of discomfort and pain. This is turn is basically putting pressure, and screwing up everything that wasn't already screwed up down there. I have a minor rectocele, and a cystocele (I think she said Stage 2???). She does not feel that I should have surgery at this point, or need a pessary.

4th degree prolapse and laid back dr.

HI. My son is a month old now. I did have a difficult pushing stage with him. I had to push without contractions because his heartrate was down to 30. But I didn't have any forceps or tearing. After coming home from the hospital, I discovered that my uterus was outside my vagania. My dr. said to wait that it should go back in. It still hasn't gone back in and I don't see how it will go back to normal on its own. My prolapse is by no means mild. It is severe enough that my entire streched out uterus was outside of my body. It is prolapsed to the fourth degree. At this point, due to the shrinkage, it is level or slightly outside of my body depending on time of day. It is also becoming raw on the edge where it touches my clothing and purpilish elsewhere. I also now have something else poking out behind the uterus. I called my doctor and the on call nurse(who thinks she is a dr) said it was probably "just vaginal tissue". Just tissue? I also see my vaginal walls lying flat at the top where the uterus is no longer in the way. It still hurts alot. I do not plan on having more children. Can I ask, did your's hurt? Mine's mostly lower back pain. When did it stop hurting? The nurse said that some discomfort was to be expected. Discomfort? No, hun, it's called pain. My dr. said that he could only prescribe Motrin now. All of the info I find is directed toward older women, not women postpartum. I am only 26 years old and feel very very old. I would also like to have sex, which I'm sure is quite uncomfortable with a still open cervix hanging outside.

New member with 4th degree question

HI. My son is a month old now. I did have a difficult pushing stage with him. I had to push without contractions because his heartrate was down to 30. But I didn't have any forceps or tearing. After coming home from the hospital, I discovered that my uterus was outside my vagania. My dr. said to wait that it should go back in. It still hasn't gone back in and I don't see how it will go back to normal on its own. My prolapse is by no means mild. It is severe enough that my entire streched out uterus was outside of my body. It is prolapsed to the fourth degree. At this point, due to the shrinkage, it is level or slightly outside of my body depending on time of day.


Hi All,

Here’s a link to an article about the fallout from Michael Moore’s latest film, Sicko.

The new practice of urogynecology, organized in the 1990s to take advantage of the huge population of women suffering with prolapse (largely generated by decades of increasingly damaging obstetric practices and skyrocketing hysterectomy rates), is the belly of the “soulless monster”.



Gradual or sudden?

Hi, I'm new to this site, and I'm glad I've found it as I've been glued to the Internet searching for answers. I'm 43, had an episiotomy/forceps birth 13 yrs ago, and 9 yrs ago had C-section, H.E.L.L.P. Syndrome, plus postnatal depression - which meant I was in no mood for performing kegels! Saw gyn 6 yrs ago as I suspected prolapse - he said 'no more prolapse than would be expected.' 'EXPECTED???' I didn't know any of it was expected!

6 mths ago I helped my mother move so was lifting heavy stuff. Then to try to get fit I did a lot of walking over fields, but although it was good for the thighs, I found it made me uncomfortable in the pelvic region. I then heard that walking can cause prolapse, so stopped. Then I got a Kegelmaster - big mistake! It's made things much worse - the bulge (possibly urethrocele) is bigger, and now I've got constant pain/dragging, which I suppose is the bladder. Will see Dr next week for confirmation, but really don't want surgery. Will order Christine's book as well. I wonder if my problem has been building gradually since the difficult births, or did the heavy lifting/long walks/kegelmaster make things worse suddenly?

A 3 week update!

Hello Ladies,

Its been 3 weeks or so since my diagnosis of UP prolapse, and having the so called doctor pulling on my cervix in the attempt of scaring me to death. He did. That is until I found this site. This site and the ladies who answered my cries for help made me realize I am not going to have all my insides suddenly fall out and I can help myself and avoid surgery hopefully forever.

I started this journey with my cervix playing peek a boo. Now it is in hiding, and I am not looking for it! haha
For the last week now, I have been feeling so much better! I do most of the exercises in the new book (I still hope I am doing them right) Firebreathing at least 2 times a day, and have done it in the rest room of a store when felt the need! And the posture. That is still a work in progress but I am staying in it longer each day. I especially love to walk in the posture. It seems that is when I "get it" best. Is this true for anyone else?


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