I gotta bike!

Finally...I’ve wanted one for years and finally convinced myself I’ve worked hard enough to buy one.

The bike is made for right-angle seated posture and I sit pulled up in WW posture except when pedaling uphill. Then I’m bent over in an acute angle.

It’s been great for my prolapse and I hope to encourage others to bike as well.

I bought a child-trailer for it so dgd and I can bike down to the river and around the neighborhood. She loves it!

On the weekend we’ll take video of me riding and put it up on YouTube for you to see.


Again, I'm grateful I can come here. I am so good in my mind in being positive. My feelings run deep on this pop issue. About my own and that it's such an untalked about topic. I've been feeling so angry - I'm continuing to do the good things to improve me - sometimes, when I'm feeling the pop, I think this is ridiculous. Why is this not changing, etc. I've been in the natural health industry for so long - I just get tired of having to do things just to maintain. I go thru the anger , fear, depression and well, acceptance? No, change is what I'm after.


I've only had a chance to skim this site. It looks like there is a lot of wonderful information and nice people and I'm glad I found it. I am a 52 years old and recently diagnosed with mild to moderate rectocele, cystocele, dropped uterus and tipped uterus. My major problem is a tendency to be leaky, especially from the rectocele, which really restricted my life. It appears I am more fortunate than I realized as it seems this can become much worse and I will now have lots of information to help me avoid surgery. I was fitted with a Gehrung pessary and it has given me my life back.

Yay for babywearing!

I thougt I'd share my latest experience with you.
I am a 24/7 babywearer, I have 4 (!) beautiful Didymos wraps (for those who know what I am talking about: Katja, Iris, a nature Indio and a dark blue-white Indio) and a Kozy mei-tai as well.


Hi All

I have been doing a bit more of my TMI navel-gazing, thinking about the action of pushing, whether it be emptying the bowels, emptying the bladder or birthing a baby.

I remember being told at antenatal classes that during labour, when the time came, I should push in the same way as I would if I was emptying my bowels, downwards and deep into my bottom. However, remembering back to giving birth I don't think that's what I did, and I certainly don't think that is what is called for.


Has anyone who is trying to avoid dairy and soy tried Darifree? (you can order it from here: www.darifree.com. It's made from potatoes. From what I can tell, it's a powder and you add water to it. I have been trying to find a good alternative for cream for coffee. I have been using soy, but have noticed lots of breakouts on my face.

Rectocele and cystocele

Hello, it's me again! You have all been so great about answering my questions and I appreciate it! I have a couple more. Could anyone tell me their experience with rectoceles? Will I end up with some other type of prolapse at some point? I am terrified I may end up with a cystocele or other type of prolapse down the road and wonder what I might do to prevent it. Also, anyone experience bladder pressure with rectocele? I would appreciate some input! Thanks!

Bladder is litterally falling out!

It happened last night when I was walking the floor with baby in arms. Its the only way it would get her to stop crying! Boy did I freak out. I couldn't 'hold it in' like I normally can when I kegal. I try tighting the pelivc floor just to keep things from falling out. The bludge was coming out and holy freaking moly that did NOT FEEL GOOD!

Taking it easy today as I'm 27 days postpartum, still recovering. I'll be planted here, reading, hoping for reassurance.

Please please oh please I don't want this to get worse.

Physical therapist recommendations?

Recently in some thread or another Christine recommended the work of physical therapist (physiotherapist) Diane Lee in Canada (www.dianelee.ca). This looked brilliant to me --- someone who is actually using diagnostics to assess what muscles are doing, and to work toward better patterns of muscle use and balance, while being attentive to avoid further damaging lower back and pelvic prolapse issues.

My rectocele is here! :(

It was definietly worth reading the pevious posts b/c I was waiting for the rectocele to appear (I have a mild cystocele), but I am devastated, just found it. I was kinda hoping I am gonna be an exception...
But Christine was right.
Just a note: my posterior vaginal wall was rock-hard and soooo stable, and yet rectocele is here (not big and hig up, now I know my cystocele is pretty high), so Kegels really han no effect on it whatsoever!

Please, please tell me I will get better! I want at least 3 more kids, I just hope it will happen!


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