The 'Watching myself' factor

Hey, Ladies,

I have noticed during the past few weeks that being at home with the 3 kiddos (tandem nursing around the clock) makes me a wreck prolapse-wise. Sometimes I just feel sorry for myself the entire day. But if we go to playgroups, playground, or church meetings, or just the regular shopping w/ dh sometimes I 'forget' about my prolapse and my symptoms lessen.
If it is me and my POP again, I fall back, and start to focus on my symptoms. Do I feel it more? Where is the discomfort? Oh, here it is! And it starts all over again. lol


My first question is about pain I have had deep vaginal pain for a while now which I have mentioned in a previous post. On Friday I went to see a different gynae who was very nice and seemed concerned that when she examined me where my pain inside was it was my womb. She has done a swab to see if I have some sort of infection and I'm waiting for the results.

WW posture and right angles

Hi all

somebody please help

I started out having terrible itching in the middle of the night on the inside labia. I used vagisil which relieved it. It only bothered me in the middle of the night. Then I called my nurse practitioner that specializes in female problems. She gave me a pill fluo.... for yeast infection about two weeks ago. It only got worse after a few days but not aruond the vagina - only inside labia. I have terrible burning to vaginal creams for yeast.

New with some specific questions, please

Hi, all. I've been reading for a bit, but this is my first post. I'm 36 years old and I have stage 3 uterine prolapse and mild bladder prolapse. I don't have any pain or discomfort in any way apart from the mental anguish of seeing the protrusion. I know I have had this for at least a year and a half, and I'm sure much longer but was officially diagnosed a few weeks ago.

Kinda weird urethrocele question

Hey, Ladies,

Those of you who have urethrocele (or those who don't have just have the answer), please, answer me! :)
I am not sure whether I am having one or not. I have a normal lookin'(it feels also normal to the touch) urethral opening and right behind it I have some vaginal rugae-maybe protruding, maybe not ( between the urethral and the vaginal opening). Not big, not sagging or hanging. I cannot decide. I don't remember how it felt 3 kids ago! :) I also have no urinary incontinence problem and can empty my bladder on the toilet 100%. So is this urethrocele?

here again for some support...

Hi Everyone

Emotions are down - just need some support.

I've been pushing myself with walking and maintaining WW posture and lt. wts., etc. Motivated to lose a little weight and all. Maybe I'm trying to do too much. POP is not as scary as in the beginning - I'm just not noticing a big change. My self-esteem feels kind of low around this - I've shared with a select few in natural health industry I work in and am still surprised none of them have ever heard about this. I just keep knowing things will improve. One herbalist said it took a long time for it to get like this and to be patient.

She is HERE!!!

She arrived on the 30th at 11:56am.
It was a wonderful water birth. I started labor on the way to church on Wednesday the 29th (the very day I predicted I'd have her but I'll settle with the fact that labor started that day). I knew! I knew it was 'it' and said, "I'm crazy for driving to church right now!" LOL! The songs we sang was the thing I needed. It did wonders creating a pattern for my ctx.


hows the dh feeling?
and what's the news with your dd?
hope all's well....keep us posted


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