
I've been feeling ghastly for a few days and have finally decided I must be dehydrated. As consciously drinking more water makes me feel a lot better, I guess I'm right. I suppose it's been creeping up on me because of the flushes and the constant peeing through the night. Been waking up headachey and sick. Also made me think this wouldn't be doing much to help the vaginal drynes either.

Urethral Diverticula

Hi everyone,


Hi everyone. A couple more questions for anyone who might have an answer. My cystocele seems to be getting better, but when it is in rather than hanging out, I have a pronounced bulge in my vulva area. It almost seems like my bladder has pushed back and up to that area. Does anyone know if that is possible?


First experiences after starting the WW posture?

Hey Ladies,

Is it possible that my symptoms are getting worse?
I've started doing the posture (feels nice) and Kegels the right way (I started almost 2 weeks ago). Anyway, I started to feel this urge to pee more intensively. Is this normal?

Another question: this urge to pee has changed somewhat, for example today it is rather painful, not fun at all. Can it be b/c of the rearrangement or it is something else? I checked my urine with a stick, everything is neagtive.

What were your early experiences after starting the WW posture?

to have or not to have another op.

hi everybody. I am new and this is my sorry tale!

3 children, three very long second stage labours,
3 episiotomies ( the first one was a large one i was told and had to be done because my perineum would not stretch and i was told they "cut too soon through 3 layers of muscle"?)
2 of my three births also had forceps.
Second birth episiotomy, i had an abcess on my stitches,
third birth episiotomy stitches came out, so i was left to heal naturally and assured that was ok.(yeah! right!)


Okay.. So i'm 20 and i have a prolapse!

I havn't had this confirmed by a doc, but it's pretty obvious i have a rectocele.. I think it's about a grade 2. It was a grade 1, but it got worse over christmas, i was so gutted. & Now i think i have a cystocele, becaus i can feel a kinda squishy tiny bulge on my front wall.

My cervix is kinda low, i'm not sure if it is normal or not, but it's been like that since i was about 17,sometimes its too high to reach tho.

I'm so scared, i feel like all my plans for the future have come crashing down!

MyPT [chronic pain therapist] still reading Christine's book

Drop in from time to time. Just don't have computer as I have said before.MyPOP became evident in mid "07" after an assault and probably other DR.

New member - second pregnancy

Hello all,

I've been lurking on this forum for a while now - on and off since I first discovered prolapse after my first baby's birth in summer 2007 actually! I first wanted to say hello and say how grateful I am to all the strong women who have posted here and given me hope.

Will it get worse?

I am 10 1/2 weeks post partum and my cystocele seems about the same as when it first appeared. When I do nothing and rest all day, it seems to stay inside but as soon as I do any activity (particularly carrying my baby) it comes out. I have no other symptoms from it though. Unfortunately, with a 3 year old and new baby, it is pretty impracticle to do nothing all day.

I am attempting Christine's exercises and am trying to stay in posture most of the day. I'm wondering, though, if when I walk a lot, or take my sons to the beach and my cystcele is out, if I am doing more damage?


The concept that prolapse and incontinence can be improved by doing ‘reps’ of classic pelvic floor contractions is anatomically false.

Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist practicing in the middle of the 20th century, was the first to place women on their backs and instruct them to contract their pubococcygeus muscles around his fingers. Kegel also developed the perineometer to measure the strength of pelvic floor contractions.


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