Gyneflex and cystocele

Hello all:
I am a 34 year old fiirst time mom to a 16 month daughter. I delivered her at home and she weighed in at a very healthy 10 pounds 4 ounces (!). I had a 22-hour labor and pushed for almost 3 hours...a lot of laboring was spent on the toilet which I now regret. I have a grade 1/2 cystocele and although it hasn't affected my quality of life too terribly, I am constantly aware of it and have to plan walks, trips around bathrooms. :( We are going to be trying for another baby soon and I really worry about the effects of the 2nd pregnancy and delivery on my cystocele. I just joined the site yesterday so I have only been doing my postures for a day but I do feel less pressure and urge. I have ordered the DVD, I can't wait to watch it.

My question relates to the Gyneflex...has anyone tried it? I purchased it awhile back and I admit I'm not faithful about doing it everyday.


we just found out that we're having another one, and we are so so happy about that. I'm a tad nervous about the prolapse issue, but it helps to know that its been successfuly done (thank you Jane)and that I have all my sisters here to support me.

remind me, someone, which of the ww exercises are no-no's for pg women?

Is the Fire Breathing contraindicated so early on? I hate to give that one up, its been working wonders.

Scared and depressed about my pelvic health

I am a young mother of two and newly diagnosed with rectocele and cyctocele. I noticed things were not right after delivering my second and had a small buldge. Didnt think much of it because it did not interefere with my functioning or cause pain. Just this past June, I injured my back at work lifting a patient and what I no know was my prolapse got much worse. I now have much trouble with BMs, painful intercourse, cant fully empty my bladder and have more buldges that I know what to do with, I can easily feel my cervix. I also notice that its worse since starting my physical therapy for my back injury.

2 Questions re: cystocele, rectocele, pessary use

How can one tell if a pessary (donut)used to relieve cystocele is causing a rectocele?
Can anyone help me find a link to a thread where Christine described narrowing of the stool and something like the anus turning "inside out"?


any hope post-hysterectomy?

Thankfully, i still have all my organs. However, i have a friend who just had a hysterectomy, and is having a terrible time healing. We are exploring all kinds of possibilities as to what might be causing her to be in such agony 6 weeks post-op, but one thing i'm wondering is if the posture stuff taught here can still be helpful, or if the fact that she probably got 're-attached' in that horrible lithotomy position that Christine blogged about changes her internal anatomy so much that what helps those of us with all our parts could hurt her and vice- versa? Her only semi-comfortable position seems to be reclining mostly on her back, and I know that for an intact woman an extended period on her back would be shifting her inner organs away from the abdominal wall where they belong and not be a good idea... i'm wondering if it's still a bad idea for my friend or if all the rules are changed now.

urine leaking without knowing?

I am 7 weeks postpartum with my 2nd baby, and am having some trouble. I have been leaking urine for about 3 weeks that I know of, but I don't know when I am leaking. It is not stress incontinence or urge incontinence, my pantyliner is just constantly wet with urine. I am now having pain near the opening, similar to a UTI, but it comes and goes. Seems to be worse in the evening. Could this be cystocele? I just can't find anything or anyone else with sympotoms like this. Can anyone help? I am practicing the posture and it has really helped my back pain, and might be helping with this but it has only been a few days.

rectocele, rectal prolasape cystocele

Hi my name is guenevere. I had a hystorectomy at 28 and since was a child have had severe constipation, always needing to take a laxitive or perdiem. I am about to have surgery to repair the rectal prolaspe and rectalocele and cystacele. Two years ago I didn't have a cystocele. I have gone thru so many test it crazy. I put off surgery for so long I have no other choice. When my bowels get full I cant urinate until they are empty. I can't even empty my bowels now because of rectal prolaspe. Here's what I think happened. Years of being constipated and straining and having two 9 pound babies gave me the rectocele and still straining and a weak pelvic floor gave me the rectal prolaspe and the pushing on my bladder and not being able to empty cystocele.

Rectocele Surgery Causing a Cystocele

I have been observing this site for a while now and have been hesitant to post. I am 47 and have had 3 births, all with episiotomies, and one of them weighing in at 10 Lbs 1 oz. In January I had surgery for a rectocele and within 6 weeks of the surgery a cystocele developed. I have not been back to the doctor for diagnosis, but at this point I have come to realize I know my body better than a doctor. Looking back, I had lived with a rectocele for many years without realizing what it was until last year when it “popped”. To get some exercise, I started to ride a bike that someone gave to my husband. I remember after riding my butt (the episiotomy area) would sting. I passed it off as being whimpie and out of shape and continued to ride this mountain bike even thought it didn’t fit my build. Until one day, while riding I hit a patch of sand that took every bit of strength I could muster and before I got home I new something wasn’t right. No matter what I did it continued to get worse. The first doctor told me that I needed a hysterectomy along with a rectocele and cystocele repair. My stunned look prompted him to put his hands on my knees and tell me, “I’m not telling you you have cancer. This can be fixed with surgery”. When I asked about a pessary he wouldn’t hear of it. So, I went to a different doctor who told me I had a rectocele and she could fix it with surgery. She didn’t mention anything about a hysterectomy or a cystocele. I was so relieved at the time that I signed up for surgery and was only going to be off work a few weeks. The surgery did eliminate the sharp pains I would experience during intercourse but, it did not improve my bowel function and because of the surgery I live in constant fear of becoming constipated. This leads me to believe my rectocele had nothing to do with my bowel function.

Cystocele at 42, seeking solutions

I just delivered my first baby 4 months ago at age 42. Forceps were used just after one hour of pushing. At 6 weeks checkup, doctor said everything was ok, but after 3 months I still feel the fullness inside especially when I walk fast and urge-type of incontinance. Doc asked me to coming in and did another exam and told me it was my bladder out of position and mentioned surgery immediately. I was freaked out. Did a lot of search online, found your site, Christine, and bought your book. I started doing the posture right away, aslo metioned in the articles are: Kegel, swimming (frog style and butterfly style)and meditation.


A few words about exercise...check with your doctor first, but from my standpoint you can do about anything you want as long as you do it in the right shape. Walking in the posture and cycling are very good. Jomama, you have it right-on about the angles of the body. All right angles and smaller (acute) stabilize the pelvic organs, while angles greater than 90 degrees (obtuse) cause undue pressure. Stay in the posture and keep breathing deeply through your lower belly. The transverse abdominal muscles, which automatically pull your tummy in with every exhalation, are exercised 24 hour a day when we learn to breathe in this way. The key is holding the organs over the TRUE pelvic floor, which are the flat pubic bones that come together underneath you like the straps of a saddle. Western science has accidently misinterpreted the position of the human pelvis for over 500 years, and now it's like a giant elephant in the closet that no one (who has any clue) is acknowledging.


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