dangers of whole woman

on another forum for prolapse support Ww is taboo. Allegedly it can be dangerous. What are they talking about? All I have started with is postute cuz Im new n waiting for my salary but what I see around here all seems very reasonable and inspiring.

7 weeks PP uterus and bladder prolapse

I have three kids: all vaginal deliveries, the first was 7lbs, second was 8lbs (2 hr labor) and the last was 9lbs (45 min labor). During my last pregnancy I had severe frontal pelvic pain, the doctor didn't think much of it, but my PT cousin thought my hips had probably

Travel issues

I believe I have improved my situation by taking to heart Christine's suggestion in her book that sitting cross-legged on the floor had helped her the most. I think I have actually increased my seated height by doing this! Hard to make myself comply every day but I keep after it. I have a couple of concerns.

This summer I have some travel planned. I see that we are to take our good posture with us wherever, but I find it difficult when cramped into a plane or car seat. Let's face it that a hotel room is not like home. So what's a girl to do.

Hips DVD for men?

Would the Hips DVD be beneficial for men as well?

Specifically in dealing with potential arthritis and facing possible hip replacement surgery?

100% Healing?

Hello! I've delayed joining the forum and posting for some time now cause I often try to find my answers through previous posts but then get lost in all the comments! Anyhoo, I still haven't found a very thorough answer to this question though so here goes!

Swollen womb

Hi i lived with a third degree uterine prolapse for many years but just recently feel like my cervic and womb are more swollen,making the prolapse feel worse.i have read alot about supplements to shrink the womb especially turmeric would be interested to know if anybody has tried this. i did use natural progesterone for years but stopped when it became to expensive. Would be grateful of any advice

Fiber Menace


I am relatively new here. I know I need to soften my stools because I have strained my whole life on the toilet, and really didn't think this was a problem until recently. I can remember being a toddler and straining and clogging the toilet. Now I am 46 and post-menopausal and it has caught up with me.

I read on here about Fiber Menace and decided to try it (I have read the book and have been doing it for ~3 weeks). I had a couple of questions, and thought someone here who uses this method might be able to help.

DVD vs Blu Ray

I recently received my postpartum bundle (patiently waiting on the weights!) and the first aid for prolapse works fine in my DVD player but I cannot get the goddess belly or yoga wheel to play. My husband suspects these are Blu Ray and we don't have a player. Just wondering if he is right or these discs are defective?

I am asking here in case someone else orders and can't get discs to play either, they can troubleshoot based upon responses given.

Thanks for any assistance!

New here, yoga good start?


So I didn't realize I was in such bad shape! I had a ball (from colon) after last pregnancy in my vaginal opening but my midwife said to just do some kegels and that should do it. I did not realize how serious things were until yesterday when my colon started actually coming out of my vagina!!! Is this regarded as severe prolapse? My bladder seems to have sunk into my vagina as well, also my cervix. Yikes!

So after reading here I have become aware of my posture and actively working with it all day long. It feels great.

Afraid to jump as video instructs

I just joined WW and purchased video series. I have watched them all, but haven't started as yet. My prolapse isn't severe, just pressure when I walk or stand for too long. I'm afraid to do the jumping exercise for fear it will worsen my condition and things might "fall out." Any thoughts on this?


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