Soy may not be as great as we think

Hi all,
I just came across some very interesting information on the website that soy's not the superfood so many of us have been led to believe and in fact has some real risk. I won't try to spell it all out for you, but if any of you are regular soy consumers you might want to go check it out. This organization is very interesting and promotes healthy truly nutritional food habits.

Rectocele, diarrhea and spasms

I had my first good day with my rectocele yesterday. I didn't have to use an enema or manual extraction during a bm. I've been upping my fiber and taking lots of Vitamin C. I thought I was on the right track. However, today I had a few bouts of diarrhea. I guess I overdid it with diet modifications. Anyway, since then I've been having strange spasm-like pain in my anal area. It kind of shoots up my side sometimes. I do have a history of anal fissures, but this is not that same kind of pain. Has anyone else had this before? What did you do to ease the pain?

Question re: cervical position

So I have been walking and sitting in posture for three days now, and am amazed that my cystocele bulge seems to almost disappear. Whoo-hoo! However, when I went to check my cervix (which has been quite high and centered) it is now way off to the right (still very high). I know that the cervix is a somewhat migratory creature, but to the side? Anyone know if this is normal or something to be concerned about?

Thank you.



I'm just wondering if the new dvd will be available at some point on Amazon and if so when that will be.


Vulvar Ulcerations


I'm new to this site but not new to prolapse. I was diagnosed with uterine prolapse after the birth of my daughter in 2003. Folloing my son's birth in 2005, I was diagnosed with a stage 2 cystocele, stage 1 rectocele & stage 3 uterine prolapse. For 5 years I have had no symptoms other than being uncomfortable from my cervix hanging just past the vulvas.

Time between pregnancies

I had a baby 8 months ago and have a cystocele (with minor symptoms) and a mild uterine prolapse (undiagnosed to date). Have seen GP and physio and have been given advice such as no lifting, resting when possible, kegels etc. I would like to have another baby at some point but can't seem to get any advice on sensible time gaps between pregnancies/babies. Has anyone any advice to offer and does anyone have experience of an obstetrician offering a c-section to preserve pelvic floor function?

Healing support

This is really a neither here-nor-there question -- more my musings in cyberspace -- and I don't really expect anyone to answer. I was just wondering this: when other tissues of the body are injured, they are given some sort of support system to promote healing. Bones get a cast, muscles get a splint, and cuts get stitches. All of which are designed to hold together the "broken" parts and give them the best opportunity to heal. Why then, when pp prolapse occurs, is there not some equivalent?

trimo-san alternative (natural)?

Hi everyone,
This is my first post but I have found some very useful info here in the past.

I'm wondering if the Trimo-san alternative that I've seen mentioned here, available at the wholewoman store I believe, does anything for PH.
Is it just a safe natural lubricant (which is a great thing on it's own) or does it also help control the vaginal ph? Lubrication is good but what I need is something to keep the ph in check with the pessary in. Hmmm, I hope this isn't TMI but without Trimo-san, my ph gets off track and causes an odor. One that I am not willing to put up with.

not sure about my diet...need help!!

im just not sure what im missing in my diet........i have been getting anywhere from 30 to 40g of fiber drinking as much water as i can stand...eating more vegetables than usual and fruit..ive cut out almost all fast food and i go easy on dairy stuff although i could probaly cut out even more if i had to. And chocolate has been a weakness of mine but i have cut down a whole lot.

pp prolapse, nauli, and posture

So at the moment I am 13 weeks pp and have a bit of a cystocele. The Dr. did not grade it, and to be honest, I don't care to have a number assigned to it. I am totally asymptomatic (knock on wood) in terms of feelings of falling out/urination issues. I can see a bit of my anterior vaginal wall and sometimes it does have a small bulge to it. I think the visual bothers me the most. I know it shouldn't -- who's looking but me and DH? I think it has improved somewhat since I first saw it six weeks ago, and maybe it will get even better if I put some effort into it.


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